- In the world of Immigration: Congratulations to our client P.O., who passed her citizenship test and completed her American Dream. After immigrating to the US as a conditional resident by marriage to a US citizen, P.O. became the victim of domestic violence. Our firm simultaneously applied to remove her conditions and to obtain her US citizenship. Both applications were approved, and P.O. is now a US Citizen!
- In the world of Criminal Law: De la Torre Law Firm successfully negotiated the dismissal of several cases, including a DUI and a case involving motorcycle racing. Our law firm is also now pending a motion to eliminate the confession of our client which was unlawfully obtained in violation of his 5th Amendment Miranda Rights; the outcome is pending.
- In the world of Family Law: Our law firm finalized the domestication of a foreign judgment from Ecuador and established a new parenting plan. This plan enforces the right of the Father to see his daughter who now lives with the mother in New Jersey. The plan requires the child to periodically visit Florida during breaks from the school calendar. De la Torre Law also finalized the divorce of a single mom of five (5) children. In the divorce, she was awarded child support, possession of the home, and is now able to close that chapter of her life. The De la Torre Law Firm wants to remind everyone that the Family Court is a court of equity and is the only Court that truly attempts to balance the scales of justice.